Proposal to add a new type of NFTs bonds
Bonds Presentation : (examples)
- The type of bond: Sovereign, Corporate
- The entity emitting the bond: France, United States
- The entity tokenizing the bond: Mimo Capital AG
- The id of the bond: ie. CUSIP
- The nominal amount: 1000 EUR
- The maturity: 1 year
- The lifetime: Until 31 Dec 2023
- The coupon: 5%
- The currency: EUR, USD
- The derived risk class: French government bond 1 year
Considering that the integrations proposals can happen quite often, and that the risk for the protocol is lower than other proposal types, we could consider the following parameters:
- Admin: Team multisig
- Quorum: 0.1% of the total supply (1M MIMO)
- Voting duration: 3 days